This site was founded by two teenage girls on October 10, 2008. We were hanging out one day and decided to create our own website. At first the website was something different but then we decided to make it into kind of a random website. We will be adding new pictures and other cool pages to this website.  This site will have many cool games and awesome pictures of CUCUMBERS!!!! We hope you will come back to our website again.Please send in any questions or comments on how we can make this site more fun for you.

You can send us your cucumber pictures,any comments, or any other cucumber uses that you know of, at either of these email addresses: katidid211@gmail.com   or blizard.pigluver@gmail.com  We welcome your comments, questions, and your pictures. If there is any thing at all we can do to make this website more fun for all you guys at home, please let us know! Thank you for all your input, ideas,and support!!!!!We can't wait to hear from you guys and once again, thank you for your support! We love you all! Peace out yo!!!!
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